Lord), and Eliza (wife of S. Townsond). Their father was a member of the Methodist church. William Lea, the father of Rich- ard Charles Lea, was born in Lancashire, England, and came to Prince Edward Island with his parents, and here he followed agri- cultural pursuits all his life. His death oc- curred in 1875 and his wife died in 1895. The latter bore the maiden name of Eliza- beth Leard, and was a daughter of John Leard, of Tryon. To her union with Wil- liam Lea were born the following children: John B., who married Mrs. Hannah Wright (nee Lowther); Richard C., the subject of this sketch; Lydia, who became the wife of Joseph Callbeck; Mary Jane, who married

' Albert Callbeck; Isabella Ann, the wife of Hiram Lea; James, who married Mary Strang; Sarah, the wife of Matthew Smith; Lizena, the wife of Jabez Lea; Tremaine, who married Annie Reid; Melvina, widow of Rev. Mr. Ellis, and now the wife of Hon. S. E. Reid; Arabella, the wife of Reed Lewis; and Miss Frances, single. The father of these children was a member of the Meth- odist church in which he was a class leader, and in politics was a Liberal.

Richard C. Lea received his education in the public schools of Tryon, and under his father’s instructions learned the secrets of successful husbandry, following agricul- tural pursuits throughout his life. He is pleasantly located on a farm of a hundred and thirty-five acres near Tryon and has about ninety-five acres in active cultivation, the place having been largely improved by his father, and being now maintained at the highest standard of excellence by himself. Mr. Lea’s original holdings were very exten- sive but he has given to his children several highly improved farms, together with good residences. In politics he is a Liberal and


has held the office of road overseer. His religious affiliation is with the Methodist church in which he is an exhortor. He has lived in the locality of his present residence all his life, is widely known and is well thought of by everybody. To his marriage with Miss Sarah Brewer Hall, a daughter of James Hall, which occurred on July 4, 1861, there have been born seven children: John H., born on March 8, 1862, and mar- ried to Miss Jessie Howatt; Celia, born on March 22, 1864, who died at the age of thirteen years; Lydia, born on April 23, 1866, who became the wife of J. P. Hood. of Charlottetown; Ella M., born on Novem- ber 7, 1868, who became the wife of John S. Hinton, of Summerside; Minnie W., born on June 20, 1871, the wife of John Howatt; Walter Brenton, born on November 27, 1874, and married to Blanche Lord; and Hiram Havelock, born on January 21, 1877, and married to Ethel B. Lord.

WILLIAM C. LEA, well known as a lead- ing trader at Victoria, Queens county, was born on March 22, 1833, in Prince county, near the place of his present residence. His father, John Lea, was born in Devonshire, England, on August 4, 1793, and died on October 16, 1865. He did not have the chance of a school education but applied himself industriously to home study and be- came a well informed man. At the age of twenty-five years he emigrated to Prince Ed- ward Island and located the tract of land af— terward occupied by the family. The first winter he worked in the lumber woods and the following spring took up actively the occupation of farming, which he followed through life. He was twice married, first