698 PAST AND PRESENT OF first to Hattie Colet , who died on January 26, 1901, and second on July 7, 1905, to Miss Maggie Crosswell . He is fanning near the homestead. Mrs. Rebecca Lea died on April 1, 1863, and on December 3, 1865, Mr. Lea married Miss Annie Mur ¬ phy, a daughter of Edward Murphy , who was born in the Light House, County Wexford , Ireland. To the subject and his wife have been born the following children: Richard S., born on April 1, 1866, who was formerly a professor in McGill University but is now a member of a con¬ tracting firm also of an engineer's corps in Montreal; Mary Rebecca , born on May 10, 1868, the wife of Edward Boswell , of Vic ¬ toria; Harry, born on April 29, 1870, who died on January 26, 1897; Eliza B., born on January 20, 1872, who was married on June 30, 1898, to Joseph Windsor , of New Mills, New Brunswick , and has three children, Ralph, Vincent and Evelyn; Walter M., born on February 10, 1874, who married on October 18, 1899, Miss Maud Roger - son and has two children, Marion and Clif ¬ ton ; William S., born on May 10, 1877, who was engaged for three years in teaching school, and for several years has been suc¬ cessfully engaged in civil engineering work. He is now studying electrical engineering at McGill University, utilizing his vacations in building water works, sewerage systems, and kindred works of public improvement and utility. Robert F. Lord , an enterprising farmer and substantial citizen of Lot 28, was born in Tryon , Prince Edward Island , on March 29, 1848, a son of Charles Russell and Charlotte (McFadyen) Lord, and the great- grandson of John Lord , the American pro¬ genitor of the family, who emigrated from his native England to this Island early in the eighteenth century, bringing with him one son and five daughters. His son, whose name also was John, was a leading man in social and public affairs, and for long years served as a justice of the peace. On July 31, 1787, he married with Miss Charlotte Goldrup , and their union was blessed \\ ith eleven chil¬ dren: Elizabeth, who was born on Feb¬ ruary 6, 1790, married William Wright , and died on November 5, 1852; John, the first born son, who came into being at Tryon on August 12, 1792, and on reaching manhood became the owner of a large mill property, which is still called "Lord's Mill." He also was a justice of the peace, and following in the footsteps of his father, was called the "poor man's friend." He died on December 26, 1863; Jane, who was born on April 9, 1795, later became the wife of S. E. Daw ¬ son, and died on June 23, 1870; William W., who was born at Tryon on February 11, 1798, and after reaching maturity moved to Charlottetown . He was for many years a member of the Legislature, representing his old district, which he did not forget, as he built for it a beautiful hall. After fill¬ ing many important positions in church and state, he died at the ripe age of ninety-two years. On December 29, 1825, he was united in marriage with Miss Ann Lea , who died on July 16, 1895; Ann, who was born on January 8, 1800, later married Thomas Foster , and died on March 29, 1857; James, who was born on September 10, 1802, and became the husband of Lydia Lea , who died on April 24, 1837. He afterward married Charlotte Callbeck , and himself died on May 4, 1879; Charles Russell , the father of Rob ¬ ert F., of this sketch; Charlotte, who was born on May 1, 1807, became the wife of