
and what not in some tract or other within the com pass of America? Yet nothing almost common to th whole but barbarism of manners, idolatry in religion and sottish ignorance, such as hardly distinguishet them from brutes: else they would not have taken rea sonable men to be immortal Gods, as at first they did :l yet what either God was, or immortality, they knew no more than instinct of nature gave them, only a confused thought they had of some place or other (God knows where) behind some hill, or where the blessed resided after their death. And from thence they supposed the Spaniards came at their first ar- rival. But it was not long before the tyrants cudgel- led their simplicity, and by their cruelty appeared to them rather devils from hell, than saints from heaven.

Yet still the Inland countries retain for the most part their in-bred blindness: and worship the sun, moon and stars, and they have their other spirits, which they call their Zemes, and adore them in images made ofcotton-wooll, which oft times by the delusion ofSatan seem to move, and utter an hideous noise, that works in these poor Idolators a great awe, lest they should harm them.

The rest oftheir customs are answerable to their religion, beastly. They go naked and are very lust- ful people without distinction of'sex. In many places they are Anthropophagif and prey upon each other like wolves. They labour not much to sustain them- selves: but are rather content to take what the earth can yield without tillage. This in general.

“Time hath not given way to many divisions of this America. I find one only in the best authors; and that it seems nature marked out to their hands; for she hath severed the continent into two Peninsula. The one lieth Northward from Equinoclial, and is called Mexicana. The other for the most part South- ward, toward the Magellanick Straits, and is called Peruviana. Each of them are subdivided into their Provinces.”

* Cannibals