From 1799 to 1861, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND has truggled through vicissitudes of management and ismanagement; the cares of privation and plenty; he anxieties of failure and success; the chances of nfavourable and prolific seasons; and more than all, he animose encounters of good and bad opinion; and she has borne herself bravely,—for at the present time there is more power, benevolence, religion and loyalty, and less* pauperism, crime and misery, in this tight little Island,than perhaps in any other por- tion, the same in size and population, of all our gra- cious Queen’s dominions.
The past is linked memorably with the present. In the year 1798, in Lieut. Governor Fanning’s time, the Legislature passed “An Act for altering and changing the name of this Island from ‘Saint John’ to that of ‘ Prince Edward Island,’ ” among other reasons, “ to perpetuate the grateful remembrance of that peculiarly auspicious and happy period ofthis Island having been under the command of Lieutenant General, His Royal Highness PRINCE EDWARD. Commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s (Geo. III.) Forces in the District of' Nova Scotia, and Islands St. John, Cape Breton and Newfound- land, Knight ofthe Most Noble Order ofthe Garter, and ofthe most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, etc., etc., etc.”
The Island thus re—baptized by the representatives ofher loyal inhabitants, was confirmed in her new honor, as before said, by the Royal allowance on the lst ofFebruary, 1799, and has since maintained an honorable membership, always “in good stand- ing,” among the Colonies ofthe ancient homestead, becoming conspicuous as occasion offered, in evi- dences of attachment and hope.
*‘ In 1860 there was expended by the Legislature £500 currency, for paupers, and £62 currency, for indigent Indians, equal to £562 currency, or £374 l3s. 4a., sterling, or in sterling pence, 89,920. New ifit be borne in mind that the population is slightly in excess of this numerical strength, it will be seen that the pauper tax is less than a sterling penny per head per unnum upon the whole 00 ony.