


IN 1842 Sir Henry Vere Huntley was Lieut. Go- vernor. We have first to notice the incorporation of the Prince Edward Island Steam Navigation Com- pany. Next the providing medical attendance for sick emigrants. Treasury Warrants paid OH to the amount of four thousand pounds. The letting of stalls in the Charlottetown market house. The in- sane asylum and other charities provided for. The fire engine company and apprentices again talked about. The circulation of base coppers inefl'ectually prohibited. The admission of barristers amended. Education again encouraged, election laws ex- plained, and commissioners selected to superintend the erection ofa Colonial Building in Charlottetown.

In 1843 the highways and statuto labor Acts are consolidated. Persons compelled to serve as con- stables. Another chaptcr on strong drink indited, followed by the diluting subject of pumps and wells, the revenue is again increased, the marriage law amended, and the inspection of pickled fish altered; limits and rules of jails continued. Hogs at large discontinued, and oysters kept at home. lllicit trade prevented.(?) At Georgetown the detention law relates to swine, and geese, and horses, none of which are now permitted to go at large in that place. Questions of distress for rent, and replevin, landlord and wilful tenant are provided with a legal wedge. The academy in Charlottetown is again noted for improvement. Married women made conveyancers of their own freehold property. Persons making wills, and intestates taken into consideration, and the Common of Georgetown protected.

In 1844 some errors in the highways and small debts Act are corrected,and the subject ofsmall debts