
rticularly looked into. Relief laws for insolvent -btors are passed. Certain persons disposed to rry on a fishery are incorporated, and the following 'bjects are taken particular notice of, vizzustatute bor, accidents by fire, size and quality of fish bar- -ls, weight and inspection of fish, the revenue, eamboat company, harbor masters, vexatious rrests, payment of debts, fire engine companies, eorgetown public wharf, vicious dogs, lime kilns, orcbant seamen, bears and loupcerviers, insane ersons, sub—collectors of Customs, boundary lines, ontroverteil elections, public advertisements, seal nd cod fisheries, horses, bulls and cows, additional rm ofthe Supreme Court, schools and education, erring and alcwives fisheries, entire horses and ’2 arine insurance.

‘7 The Legislative topics 0f1845 were increase of evenue, prevention ofsmuggling,light-houses, buoys nd beacons, bailifl‘s, highways, rent and replevins, -awkers and pedlars, sick and indigent emigrants, onvictions before Justices of the Peace, Treasury otes, the steamboat St. George, statute labor, ap- nrentices, boundary lines, harbor masters and :- harves, titles to land, Grand and Petit Jurors, . ackerel fishery, and the appointment of clerks to ustices ofthe Peace.

The business ofthe Legislature in 1846 comprised eed and food for certain settlers, revenue, dogs, otatoes, stray cattle, militia, small debts, weights nd measures, stingy husbands, landlord and tenant, pprentices, bail, sales of land, sentence of death, Vnoundary lines, apprehension ofpersons, Georgetown wine, geese, and horses, Charlottetown nuisances, eight and quality of bread, meridional line, public reasury, intercourse with Nova Scotia and New runswick, pumps and wells, hard labor, common assaults, strong drink, seamen, and accidents by fire ‘-t Georgetown.

1847 opens with a prohibition on the exportation of potatoes, common assaults, and the revenue. The