’e 'vaults of’the Church of England, in the capital {the Island. History would be incomplete without he illustrious name he bore.
'IN 1851 Lieut. GOVernor Bannerman cemmeneed ' is legislative career, by setting ’the people to mend , heir ways; gave relief to insolvent debtors; com- uted the Crown revenues; provided for the civil list; shortened the parliamentary language; consti-‘ " u’ted Boards of health; amended the militia; levied ' ontributions from husbands and natural relatives of and for impotent persons; polished up the smuggling aws; raised a revenue; encouraged education; im- posed a tax on emigrants; transferred the manage- ent of the inland posts; regulated the costs of dis- resses; permitted stray cattle to be sold; incorpo- 'a ated the Trustees of Princetown Royalty Church; amended statute labor; extended to mills, standard of weights and measures act‘; encouraged the cod 2: nd mackerel fisheriesyprohibited certain games and a reworks in CharlottetoWn; authorised a loan for the use ofthe Island; provided for common assaults and atteries; granted a patent to Abraham Gesner for an improved method of manufacturing illuminating _as; removedythe Post Office of Charlottetown to ‘ he Old Court House; authorised the Colonial Secre- ary and Treasurer to appoint deputies; reduced the alary ofthe Collector of Impost; restrained bulls; rotected Georgetown from accidents by fire, and uisances; relieved members ofthe legislature from liability by non-acceptance of the office of High herifi; appropriated money from land assessment;