(32) noticed the Registrar of Deeds; provided salaries for outport controllors of Customs; and established. the rates in currency at which sterling rents are payable. In 1852 we find Sir Alexander engaged in adding ten years to the fisheries protection Act; also to the logs and scantling Act, the ‘floating capital ’ of the Island streams; also the like continuation to the landlord and tenant Act, and seven years to the sea- men’s Act. Leasehold interest laws are consolidated; intercourse with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick again facilitated; the civil list provided for, and the Crown revenues commuted. The Acts relating to Small Debts are overhauled, occupying sixty pages of the laws; the horse “ Saladin” gets a legislative permission to leave the Island; the fence laws are amended so that viewers may not befoiled; punish- ment is provided for canine thieves; more assessment for education is imposed in a law of seventy-nine clauses; corporations are permitted to sue and be sued; the Diocesan Church Soctety of P. E. Island is incorporated; the people called Bible Christians are incorporated; the offices of Colonial Secretary and Road Correspondent are regulated; the service of non bailable process in certain cases is provided for; seduction obtains a summary remedy; the sale of arsenic and other poisons controlled; 8. light duties Act is passed, and the heavy duty of weighing coal, culm and coke is discussed; publishing public notices is regulated; proving of wills facilitated; a monopoly of the Charlottetown ferry for five years permitted; A fog bell and horizontal windmill patented; persons of unsound mind are cared for; accidents by fire in Charlottetown again better prevented; a Temper- ance Hall Company is incorporated; the Order ofthe Sons of Temperance is incorporated; the statute labor and nuisance Act is amended, and appropria- tions are made for the service of the year. In 1853, the Free Education Act is amended; more salaries for public services established; and the currency Act is made to apply to certain previous