
monetary operations; the revenue precedes an atten- tion to the remuneration of petitjurors; highways and byeways precede criminal justice; the elective fran— chise precedes spirituous liquors; constables and fence viewers precede the law of evidence; the pos- session of certain lands by the Government precedes the mode of proceeding against certain lands for ar- rearages; the Bedeque and Shediac packet serviCe precedes the incorporation ofthe Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Electric Telegraph Company; public wharf for Georgetown precedes purchase of lands by the Government; and lastly, the incorpora- tion ofthe Charlottetown Gas Light Company pre- cedes the appropriations for the said year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.

The revenue Act opened the Legislative ball in the year 1854; the incorporation of certain persons designated The President, Directors and Company ofthe Bank of Prince Edward Island,” led off a. Free Education Act; New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company privileges led ofl‘ cer- tain polling divisions; another currency Act led of the Charlottetown steam ferriage; the Masonic Hall Company’s incorporation led off weights and mea- sures; certain Bills of Exchange being exempt, usury led off the minister and church wardens of the Epis- copal church of St. Eleanor’s; prisoners under sen- tence of imprisonment with hard labor led ofPrince- town Royalty Church; the amended law in force re- lating to statute labor led off the \Vesleyan Metho- dist Church; and tho non-bailable process closed the procession liberally with abundant appropriations for the year.

The close of 1854 finds Lieut. Governor Daly at the head of affairs and busy during a short autumn session with the four subjects of the Jury Law, Free Trade with the United States, Land Assessment, and the calling together the Legislature of this Island during an adjournment.

1855 finds Lieut. Governor Daly obtaining statis- tical information; adding to the Jury law; amending
