
n behall‘ofthe 'l‘enantry for the settlement of the and Question. A sum sufficient—which amounted o £17,000—for the encouragement of FREE EDUCA- ION. A sum sufficient for contingent expenses. nd a sum sufficient to repair the Jails of the three "ounties.

In View ofthese appropriations one may easily per- eive that Prince Edward Island possesses in her- elf considerable capabilities ot‘self-government and aterial progression, and ifher antecedents embrace o Inany evidences of prosperity, there must lie be- orc her, if she be true to herself and the mother ountry, 0. most glorious future, which may God, rant.


No land can boast more rich supply, That o’er was found beneath the sky: No purer streams have ever flowed, Since Heaven that hountcous gift bestowed.” “Reminisceuoes of P. E. I.” by Wm. Pope, Esq., of Liverpool, Eng, addressed to Hon. Joseph Pope, Speaker of the House of Assem- bly, published in Liverpool, 18-18.” Tm: GulfofSt. Lawrence may be said to have he Island of' Prince Edward at anchor, between ‘ape Breton, on the East, and New Brunswick, on the West, with what are called the Straits ofNor- thumberland running between it and Nova Scotia, on the South. It may also be said to be four times longer than wide, or as 140—its length in miles—is o 35, about its broadest measure: or it may be shewn thus-—

West, 639 g longitude

North 47° latitude.

West, g (31°

longitude. North 46° latitude.

in the absence ofa. map for reference.