
Your better nature spurns To act the spy on him or his— 50 mind your own concerns!

Come mind your own concerns, my friend, And presently you’ll find

That you are lully occupied. And have enough to mind.

What is it to you if Snouks or Spooks Should wed with Polly Jones’l

What is it to you ifluwyer Crab A plump half million owns 1

The money is not yours, my friend, Though golden stores he earns;

So, do not strive to count hIS wealth, But mind your own concerns!


Come, mind your own concerns, my friend, It were a better plan,

Than always to be spying out. The deeds of brother man.

Remember that all persons— Though hidden from the view—

Think that to them the right belongs, And not at all to you;

And also hear in mind, my friend, A generous nature worms

No secret from a brother’s breast; So mind your own concerns!”

ut it is suflicient for our purpose, at present, if we ave found the centre, and discovered it to be HE CAPITAL—the home of refinement—the halting lace of wealth—the retreat of Learning—and the ity of a Royal Godmother. The City of Char- ttetown has good antecedents, having been worked p with the social instincts of' His Majesty George 11‘, whose consort, reflecting the honor ofone of er illustrious christian names, identified herselfwith his old 500 lotted town, now great in municipal unctions, and good, like her namesake, in acts of enerous sympathy. When we say Charlottetown 5 great and good, we measure her political and phi- anthropic boundaries, rather from the dawning of er battles with “windfalls and rotten leaves,” than he attainments of other cities, whose antiquity is istory, and whose capabilities admit of unlimited xpansion. Charlottetown has developed herself isely, because surely; her property has ever been