(42) increasing in value, her people in intelligence, and 'the peoples who have seen her have been uniform in their pronunciation of “ well done good and faith— , ful servant.” Charlottetown has shewn her faithful- ness over “ a few things,” and by the blessing of God, she will, e’erlong, be “ ruler over many.” The hand oftoil, and the graces of intelligence and truth, have resources enough here to constitute and effect all the means necessary for a long, a happy, and a prosperous Colonial life. Charlottetown is a city ofrectangles and red clay, regular in its streets, and unilorm in its color; but the advantages ofa situation beautifully sloping to a fine estuarial sheet ofwater,have not had justice done them; but at some future day, probably, there will be some sort of ‘Tyburnia’ or ‘Belgravia,’ where mansion follows mansion in clustering magnificence, and one will be spared the feeling of having seen a whole town, after looking at one imported-stone Colonial Building, which, alone in its glory, stands like ‘ Patience on a monumentsmiling at grief,’ or in its naked amplitude, groveless and unshrubbed, one of those architectural beauties which when ‘ unadorn— ed ’5 adorned the most.’ But while there is only one imported-stone building, it would be a pity to give design and ornament to its approaches: the Island cannot afford to hide a single stone by foliage, the visitor must have “a clear road and no favor,” to see it all. But were a real stone building not so great a rarity,_ there could be combined on Queen Square, where the Colonial Building stands, the richest effects of color under the diversified and georgeous hues of autumn foliage, the green car- petings at its base, and the ruby lines which would form its approaches—and here is wanted a colossal statue of PRINCE EDWARD, the late Duke of Kent; but it is unlikely that any one will open a subscrip- tion, or make a trial ofarousing sufficient interest in so desirable an undertaking, because so many frus- trations always arise to such efforts where a com- munity, like clay under the sun’s burning, gets