(H5) eading individuals in this community, but as among he pamphlets which lie on the author’s table, there 5 one by Judge Peters, entitled, “Hints to the armers of Prince Edward Island,” it would be an ,mission, not excusable, if attention were not here 'alled to that little work, as one of the least evi- ences (valuable though it be) of that gentleman’s niform, disinterested, liberal and successful attempt o raise the character and augment themesources fhis brother farmers Perhaps to Judge Peters, ore than to any other influence, the growth oftur— ips is indebted for its present proud evidence of but in many other articles Prince Edward Island ay be pre-eminent. The subject is so important 0 the farming interests,that we extract from a letter y Judge Peters, to the Secretary of the Royal grxcultural Society in 1853, a few paragraphs on he cultivation of this winter sine-qua-non. His Honor remarks— " I may be permitted to make an observation on the mode of cultivating this root. Many persons hink'a heavy crop of Swedes cannot be raised with- ut an immense dose of manure. Experience has convinced me that this is a very mistaken idea. The ode I pursue is this: I plcugh in 30 to 45 loads to the acre in the fall, cross-plough in the spring, and then throw up my drills, leaving a little hollow in the op of each ridglet; I then apply my home made uano (viz: nightsoil, hen dung, urine and sawdust, bones, ashes, soot, Ste), which is quickly done by he men,with a half bushel basket, walking along and owing it in the little hollow along the top of the rills, which are then sharped up by running the noble mould board Plough between them, then rolled down and seed drilled in. By this means a. strong stimulating manure is placed close to the seed which gives it n vigorous growth and shoots it quickly :past injury from the fly I have found this method give me better crops than twice the quantity of ma— nure, either ploughed in broadcast, or covered in he drills. Our soil is light, and soon parts with the manure applied to it; it is therefore bad economy to K .