(127) vil, but not choose the good But when a colony an aggregate its practices, and view them honestly y the light of Bible Truth, and feel that to their en talents they have added other ten, while other ountries have put their one talent in a napkin, they ay safely weigh themselves in the balances with ther countries, and compete with them in the ex- ‘rcise of their virtues. CBARLOT TETOWN AND ROYALTY. WORSHIP 3mm PLACE Church ofEngland, 1440England,' . . . . 637 resbyterians, . . 33] Scotland, . . . 232 ' irk of Scotland, . 687 Ireland, . . . 734 Roman Catholics, . 9550 British Provinces, . 524 Iethodists, .Q. . 1330P. E. Island, . . 4457 Baptists, . . . . )850ther countries, . . 68 Bible Christians, . 112Country not stated, . 54 THE WHOLE ISLAND . Church of England 6785 England, 2500 Presbyterians, 15691 Scotland, 5653 Kirk of Scotland, 1027llIreland, 4973 Roman Catholics, 35852 British Provinces, 2754 Methodists, 5804 P. E. Island, 62,846 Baptists, 3451 Other Countries, 364 Bible Christians, 2016 Country not stated, 707 TOTALS CHARLOTTETOWN AND ROYALTY. THE WHOLE ISLAND. Males, 3223 Males, 40,880 Females, 3483 Females, 39,977 W5 80,857