(128) CHAPTER XXIII. “ We will give the name of our fearless race To each bright River whose course we trace; We will leave our memorv with mounts and floods, And the path of our daring in boundless woods !” Mrs. Hemans’ song of Emigration. WHEN the subject of emigration becomes a mat- ter of serious reflection, with persons contemplating change of residence, a desire is always felt to have the statements and recommendations of books tested and verified. The great point to be ascertained is not so much the value of the field of emigration as its adaptation to the particular circumstances of the individual or family meditating a new home. All persons naturally feel more confidence in their “ spiritual advisers” than in persons unconnected with their religious views, and man would prefer correspondence, in the first instancekvith the chiefs of the churches, if they knew their names and ad- dresses. It is with a view of furnishing this infor- mation the following names are classed under their denominational character. While this chapter serves the purpose of briefly indicating the social machinery of the Province, it will enable, it is hoped, the intending emigrant to form his own con— clusions of the progress and prosperity of Prince Edward Island, in reference to these subjects, he having the Census returns of 1861 to refer to, and determine the numerical strength of the various Churches and sects. The limits of the present manual are two circum— scribed to admit of the sectional particulars to which each would otherwise be entitled, and to have selec- ted “favorites ” would have been contrary to the - spirit in which the present work is written