

His Excellency the Lieut. Governor, Commander-in-Chief.

Lt. 001. P. D. Stewart, Adjutant General ; Stafi'Adjutant, Lt. Col. Peter Macgowan , Staff Ad Jutants, with the rank of Maj or, Capt Thomas Pethick, JHon. Donald Beaten; Commandant of Cavalry throughout the Island, Lt. Col. Hon. George Coles.

lst Queen 3 County Troop of Cavalry—Benjamin Davies, Major Commanding; John Gates, Captain; D. McIsnao, 1st Lieutenant; John H. Gates, Cornet; W. R Watson, Supernumerury Lieutenant.

Aides- de Camp to the Commander-in-Chief—Lt. Col. Hon’ John Hamilton py,Gra Lt Col. Hon. William Swabey. John Mackieson, ySurgeon Gen. ; John Lawson, Judge Advocate.


'1'. Heath Haviland, Major, Queen‘s County,

Artillery Company (A) J. B. Pollard, Captain, Prince of Wales, (B) R. R. Hodgson, Captain, Belfast, (C) Daniel Frazer Captain,

Georgetown. (D) Lemuel C. Owen, Captain,

Lot 49 (E) John Smith, Captain,

Saint Eleanor’s, (F) John Haszard, Captain,

Southp ort, (G) Ilenry Beer, Captain,

Long Creek, Lot 65, (H) D. Farquharson, Captain, Highland, Orwell, (I) D. McLeod, Captain,

W'ood Island, (J) Duncan Curr1e, Captain,

Spring ton, Lot 67, (K) Neil E. Mathewson, Captain, Tryong, (L) John \1. D. Howat, Captain,

Sootia, Wheatly River, (M) Duncan McRae, Captain, Westmorland, (N) Thomas Ives, Captain,

Irish, (0) Ronald Walker, Captain,

Cuscumpec, (P) J Hunter Duvar, Captain, Dunstaffnage, (Q) David Ross, Captain,

Summerside, (R) James Pope, Captain,


Hon Robert Hod so.,n ChiefJustice,

lion. JamesH. Peters. Assistant Judge,

John Barrow, Esquire, Puisne Judge,

Frederick de St. Croix Brecken, Esquire, Attorney General,

Hon. Charles Young, LL. D., ' Hon. William Forgan, | John Lawson, Esquire, } Hon. Edward Palmer, J Hon. Joseph Hensley,

Queen’s Counsel.