uiv murmur. Beach sand, when it contains a quantity of shells- in afinely divided state, might be advantageously_ employed on stifi'clays, some of which cfl'ervesce briskly in diluted muriaiic acid. Sea weed may be gathered on the shores, and thousands of farmers might be supplied with manure at a cheap rate. ' CATALOGUE of Rocks, Mineials. Fossils, &c., collected on Prince Edward Island, and deposited in the Library of the Legislature, by DR. GESNER. Sulphate ofBarytes, from Gallows l’oint. Copper Ore—Governor’s Island. Cupreous Rock, do. do. Black Oxide of‘ Mantranese—Murray Harbor and other places. Hydrous peioxide of Iron Ore, or Bog lron Ore—at several localities. Red Marl—Governor’s Island. White do. do, do. Gray Sandstone—Gallows Point. Chocolate coloured do Mixed Micai: eons Sandstone, (common ) Portion of Fossil tree—Gallows Point. Common Red Sandstone. Sandstone changed by trap dike at Hog Is- land. Common Compact Clay. Limestone—Orwell Bay. do. Gallows Point. do. Hillsborougli Bay. do. Common on the west shore. Red Conglomorate Limestone—common. Limestone—Mill’s Point, Indian River. Coralluei Limestone, do do. Limestone—Governor's Island. do. Bedeque. do. Grand River.