Romnn Catholic Church Street Scene
Summerside ix the principal \xnnnwr mxort on the Island and i> tlu- luntlinu plum: when (imminu h'uln (ht- mainland by way 0f I’oinl dn Chunr, N. I)!“ on the Summer NnnhnInberlnmL The distanc - EICI’OSB‘ lhvsu'ail,» at [his noinl is only 3% milus, it is a \‘eu‘ lylcux’nnl uip in summer and is :1 \'Cl)‘ agweulwle r‘hnnm: [Tom a long. (lusty ionrney by raiL Snunnersnh- is lurnted on a narrow \nip 0? land wnaratin: 11w \V?|l()l> of (hp 51min of Nnnhnlnhellnnxl {mm lhrm- uf Ilm Gulf of SI. Lmvlem‘u. IL is in clmcmnxinmv[01m h0~11i511i|m snuunn‘ and hunting umnmlx and has much m Ict‘ulllllh'llll ix In the murisl and Numnm scukm.