Lobster Boat Race

River and at Campbell’s Pond, the latter being an especially good place. Deep water fishing for cod and mackerel may be enjoyed here, as at all points along this shore.

At Stanhope, a few miles along the shore from Tracadie, is found another splendid summer resort. There is an excellent hotel, and every facility for boating and bathing, the beach being particularly fine.

Hampton, a beautifully situated resort, is reached by driving from Char- lottetown.

Taking the railway to Kensington, a drive of nine miles takes one to the shore at Malpeque, though it is only seven miles to the hotel. Malpeque in addition to its other attractions, has a fame for the plover and sea fowl shooting in the vicintiy. Good brook and sea—trout fishing are also to be had near at hand. Here is Richmond Bay, a large and beautiful sheet of water ten miles long, which, like Bedeque Bay, on the south side of the island, but less than three miles distant from here, has a great fame for its oysters. The island oysters are much in demand on account of their size and flavor, but especially for the latter quality.

Richmond Bay has not only oysters, clams and lobsters, but many other kinds of fish. In old times oysters were dug here and in other bays