delicate morsel can be extracted from those celebrated bivalves, than from those

of our own native egrowth. ’1‘ he following Census statistics compare the fisheries of 1880 with those of 1870. _.

1870. I 1880. Increase. Vessels and boats employed ................ 1 1,183 2,729 1,546 Men do . . 1,646 5,792 4,146 Quintals of cod, haddock, bake and pollock caught ................................ 15,649 26, .92 10,743 Barrels of herring and gasperaux ............ 16,831 22,457 5,626 Barrels of macke1el ........................ 16,047 91, 792 75,745 Barrels of other fish... ................................ 706 .. .. ...... Barrels of oysters . . . . . ............................... 175,408 ........ . . Lbs. of canned lobsters ...................... 6,711 |,3,275 316 3,268, 605

“It will be seen by comparing the above table with that from the Fisheries Report, 1886, that 1880 was avcry exceptional yea1 with regard to mackerel, and it may as well be observed with regard to oysters, that, while the Fishery

table quoted gives the quantity skipped, this, from the Census, gives the quantity caught, thus including those lor home consumption.

gApart, altogether, from their direct value, financially and industrially, to the province itself, the Island Waters are of 1mmense importance, fai transcending their mere extent The mackerel fisheries, in what IS known as the Neith Bay of the Island, are consiwiered by competent authorities, worth more than those on all the other eastern coasts of the Dominion put together.


The volume of exports from the Province is very large, and few, even of the residents or the Island, are aware of the quantities of pro iucts annually shipped to other countries, and of the sum of money returned to the penple therefor. pThe following table, which has been compiled from the Customs entries, show their value for the year ended 30th September, 1883, to have been about three millions of dolla1s, more than double that of the year 1871 ....


or THE VALUE or THE sxroms or THE Pnonuors or rmncs EDWARD ISLAND r01: THE YEAR; ENDED REsrrouvsLY,31sr DECEMBER, 1871, AND 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1883.

1871. 1882-3. ARTICLES. ,

QUANTITIES. VALUE. QUANTITIES. VALUE. Oats ...... 1229174 bush’s. $ 511, 6351 ,525, 000 bush's. $ 610,000 Barley ....... . ...... 222’, 030 u | 18, 665 1 1,000 .1 8,000 Wheat..... .......... 31 55,. Flour and Meal ....................... . . 9, 900 Oatmeal 1,500 Potatoes ..... . .......... 355,048 99, 844i], 345 ,000 336, 500 Turnips.. . . . . . ..... 25,870 4,560 33,000 6,600 Other Vegetables. ............ . ......... 277 ............... 5,400 Starch.. ... ..........2,l40,0001bs. 64,500 Hay .................... 338 tons 5,392 380 tons. 5,500