We rest a while, and cross to Savage Harbour. We relate the story of the Gallants, describe the north shore resorts, De Grouchy, and the first Island auto. “’9. explore the Anne of Green Gables country, fences, and the John Geddie Memorial Church. I play hopscotch. We attend a picnic where Jean wins a dishpan, visit the ghost of a town, and stop at Traveller's Rest.

WAS awakened by the sound of a feminine voice I raised in shrill protest. The tent flaps were tied

back, and a solicitous beam of light was peering in. Jean was returning along the beach, idly skipping stones across the water. Far out, a motor-boat was making its solitary way to the fishing grounds of the Gulf. In the background of our home, birch trees hardly moved in the breeze. Far off, in the distance, a lonely house poked its inquisitive gable in the direction of our tent. It was all very quiet, very peaceful.

Jean returned slowly, and sat down silently on a near—by stump.

“I’m tired, " she announced. I’m tired of history, and legends, and places. I’d like to stay here for the whole day. Then, to-morrow, perhaps, we’d feel more like doing things. I don’t want even to hear of a pioneer . . . the governors bore me to tears

and as for de Roma and his crowd, well

. She stopped, breathless, choking with emo- tion. I felt the same way—but some one had to keep up the morale of our company.

“That feeling will pass off directly we have break- fast.”