of mother’s bread and butter, he would not forget that, however far he might travel or roam.

As soon as the settlers got land cleared, they began to make gar- dens and grow vegetables and flowers and raise small orchards of cherry and plum and apple trees. A good garden adds greatly to the well-being of the family by supplying foods that might otherwise not be provided. Flowers and shrubs beautify the place and make it more cheerful and enjoyable. An old lady who was congratulated on hav- ing a beautiful garden, said uIt ought to be good. I live here.” A good garden shows taste and refinement and adds to the happiness of the community. We had varieties of old-fashioned garden and house plants that always seem like old friends wherever I see them.

I will give the names of a few, such as hollyhock, sunflower, tan- sy, butter-and-eggs, tiger lily, phlox, bachelor’s buttons, marigold, sweet William and pansy, the heart’s ease, also called Johnny-jump-up. These were common in the gardens. Among house plants were: Ger- aniums of different varieties, fuschia, Chrysanthemum, and what we called balsam. They beautified and cheered the homes.