meat, put it away in the cool cellar of their log-cabin until it was need- ed. A large bear on a tour of investigation located the meat, and pro- ceeded to dig his way into the cellar. The housewife, all alone in the cabin, and busy with many cares, hearing the unusual commotion out- side, at once guessed the cause, and seizing the boiling kettle from the fire-place, hurried upstairs, and promptly poured the contents down upon the back of the intruder. The bear lost all interest in a fresh meat dinner, and with savage roars of pain made record time for the neighboring forest.

A bear of enormous size boldly attacked a group of browsing cat- tle near the forest. He seized one of the largest of the cows, but her roars of pain and fright, brought a vengeful bull to her rescue. The bear promptly turned and gave battle to this formidable enemy. Springing on the back of the bull to escape his horns, he was carried at a wild gallop through the forest, while the roars of the bull could be heard for miles. The marks of the bear’s claws were afterwards seen on the bark of the trees where he tried to hold on. the tree with one claw and the galloping bull with the other. The bull was after- wards found at the base of a hill quite dead with his neck broken.

One settler at West River was a mighty hunter, bears were his specialty. He shot two one night, two others escaped in the darkness and downpour of rain. This man’s son killed sixteen bears within a few years. We could not justly be accused of being cowards in being- afraid on going through the woods, How so many wild animals sub- sisted there was a secret known only to themselves. The farmers’ herds and flocks supplied part of their needs but not nearly all. Ber- ries and roots were plentiful.

A man who claimed to have some experience with bears informed the settlers that bears were extremely fond of sweets of all kinds, and would travel far to gratify their taste. This man said to the settlers: “Why don’t you try a real bear-trap of Jamaica rum and molasses?” They did, with excellent results. A bear scented the mixture, found it, and drank to intoxication. The next morning he was discovered helplessly intoxicated. His end was speedy and without danger to the hunters. This kind of a trap catches boys and men. Beware!

One night a bear got into a house, the people were all asleep. He