the blinds on. It afforded great fun and we made a great noise jump- ing about trying to escape the blind man. It was a game especially for small folk, but the big ones enjoyed it as much as the little ones.

Puss in the corner was also a lively game. It was engaged in by both little and big people. It afforded a chance for the boys to show off how smart they were by jumping into a vacant place quickly. There was much fun and noise in it.

Who Got the Button?

This was a quiet game and required no skill. The button was given to one secretly and the others were to find out by guess who had it. It had the merit of developing the power to read countenances. If one was very keen to discern facial expressions one might see in the glances, or in the effort to keep the secret, indication of who had possession of the button. It is difficult to keep a secret without un- consciously giving it away by the effort to keep it. Guilt or goodness will in some measure show itself in one’s countenance. Detectives be- come very efficient in reading countenances. Good secrets give a good conscience that is noticeable in one’s features. Bad thoughts will soon show themselves in words and actions and mould one’s character.


I think most of the neighbours believed ghosts appeared to peo- ple. They appeared at night and seemed to have their abode or head- quarters, in graveyards, old abandoned houses, lonely roads in the woods, and such places. Many of the neighbours said they had seen them. Most people were afraid of them. They appeared as persons who had died, and who were well known by the neighbours. They could not be touched. Some appeared in strange forms dressed in white. Some only gave out strange sounds; noises were heard and lights seen. I never saw one, but I was terribly afraid of them. Why they should seek to do me harm I could not understand. The chief harm they did was to frighten people. Many of them were only shadows. Even when I grew up to young manhood I did not feel easy about a graveyard at night; I‘ would sometimes compel myself to go by it, and even sit on the fence. I did not care to speak. I could not
