Arrival of the Prince of Wales—His {eception—The British Colonial Secretary expresses satisfaction with the .\ 'Liiiihlr’s pro UClllllgS in regard to the Land (lilillllllSsloll—Tlli: Report at the Coma __iotiei‘s—Its cardinal points presented—Titian- views with regard to Est-heat and other subjects—The case 01' the Leyulists and lnd‘tausi Remarks on the Com- mi ioners‘ Report»: its merits and its deli-chm The evils incident to the Land Question t'uudznuentally attributable to the Home Government— 'l‘he Immigrants deceived—'Yhe misery consequent on such deception— The burden ei‘ correction laid on the wrong shoulders—Yell”)leer Com- panies—General Census—Death 01' Prince Albert—The Duke oi'Nen‘castle and the Connnissioners’ Report, . . . . . . PAGE 128
Bill to make the Legislative Council elective—Change of Government—Ad- dress to the Queen, craving to give eject to the Commissioners’ Award— A Review ot‘reeent l’roeeedh ' in regard to the Land Question—The As- sembly willing to meet the \'l(‘\ . ot‘ Proprietors in regard to the appoint;- ment of Commissioners—The Assembly and the Commissioners right, and the Colonial Secretary wrong—Jl‘he Reason-why given—The rejeetion ol'the Award unreasenable—Delegates sent to lingland on the Land Ques- tion—The Result. . . . . . . . . . . . 154
James C. Pope and the I’LflllWZlY’u“SSllllllllllOl’l of the Currency—Con- federation—(JonIerence in Cnarlettetown—Speeehes of Edward Whelan and ’1‘. ll. IlarilandiOpposition ’to Centerleration—liesolutions in the Assembly—Oll'er of Terms to J. Ci l’ope—l’nrther Proceedings—The Question of Confederation Resumed—l)elegations in Ottawa—Messrs. llaythorne and Laird—Mes. , Pepe, llaviland, and Ilowlan—l‘iual Settlement of the Question. . . . . . . . . . 169
Biographical Sketelie.Q :-—llishop )[rl‘ horn—Rev. Donald McDonald—Rev. Dr. Kier—Hen. '1‘. If. llariland—llmi. it}. \\'hel:m——llon. James Yeo— llon. George Celes~James l). llaszartl. . . . . . . 188
C II A l’ ’l‘ E 1% X I I.
Commercial Slalistit-s—lmports—l5xpurt.<—~l{e\‘entte——(lm’erninent Policy—- Fisheries—Ellmention—Manuthetures—Charlottetown—Census of 1798. 202.