A Return of ihe Inhabitants on the Island of Saint John,

. taken in April, 1798, by order of His Excellency Gov-

ernor Fanning, (56., £66., (fie. : By Robert Fox, Deputy Survcy07'.*

Males. Females. No. of Lots or Townships.

Names of the Heads of Families.

an (1 Females.

Above 60 Above 60

H ’l‘otal Maie‘é‘


0! Under 16 yrs

Lot No. 34. Rev. ’l‘heo. DesBrisay Neil & Mal. Shaw John Anld Sandy Marshall Peter Leech John McGreggor {0bt. Auld Lan. Brown John Millar 4 Rod. Steele Corn. Higgans James Curtis Wm. Lawson Dun . Shaw Ronald McDonald Arch. McDonald Stephen Bovyer John McDonald John Brown Dan. Roper Col. Jo. Robinson John MeCormack Caleb Sentner Mr. MeCuustin Geo. Vickerson 01d McCormick Peter Mattox Lot No. 33. Neil McPhee

. Allan McDonald Angus McLeur Don. McKinnin Dun. MeCullum James G-riggor Peter Greggor Hugh Campbell Don. McFarlane 1 Sam. Hyde 1 ’3


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* The orthography of this list is strictly according to the original document,