-..- \.,'" Su - ,v." V.1-0^?* ',"'""' \v 7'.'' A. A. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers of HARDWARE, CARRIAGE STOCK, PAINTS & OILS, DISSTOFS CIRCULAR, MILL ani other SAWS, IIR1HS' STKEl and FILES, "WOOL OIL, MILL , STEAMBOAT & RAILROAD SUPPLIES, FAIRBANK'S SCALES. QUEEN STREET, CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. Seaside Hotel, Formerly ' Ocean House,' BEAGH, PRINGE EDWARD ISLAND. The above POPULAR WATERING PLACE has been bought and splendidly refitted and refurnished this season by the present Proprietors, and now offers unrivaled facilities and attractions to the TOURIST, HEALTH and PLEASURE SEEKER, and SPORTSMAN, Having beautiful Scenery, invigorating and bracing atmosĀ¬ phere, and splendid Surf bathing. Best Fishing Ground on North shore for Cod, Mackerel, Halibut, Salmon, Lobsters, and all kinds of Shell Fish, &c. Boats to hire at Lowest Paying Rates. and Shore abound in Geese, Ducks, Brant, Gulls, Plover, &c. JOHN NEWSON & CO., 'Proprietors.