Wnt. R. IVA TSON, CHEMIST & BRUM, Importer and Dealer in CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS QUEEN (33) STREET, CHARLQTTETOWN, P. E. I. The strictest attention paid to the dispensing of Prescriptions and Family Recipes. Naval and Domestic Medicine Chests neatly fitted up, and furnished with books describing their contents. HAEVIE'S BOOKSTORE & GENERAL AGENCY, , CHA.ItLOTTJZTO' WjSr, J ?. JEJ. I. hemyTmrvie, \ AND DEALER IN" SEEDS, TOYS, PICTURES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, fee, CoDiraission Merchant, Insurauec, Express, & General Agent . AGENCY FOR PIANOS and ORGANS, of best makers.