ARCHIBALD KENNEDY , Wp (jltandk I falmalm; HEAD OF QUEEN'S WHARF, CHARLOTTETOWN, P. K. I. iMtroMXEis, or Cordage, Canvas, Cotton Duck, Boltrope, CHAINS, ANCHORS, Wire Rigging, JSfaval Stores. Iron, Steel, Oakum, Paints, Oils, Lines, Twines, and Fishing Implements. WILLIAM KOUGHAN, QUEEN'S WHARF, ClfA.RjOOTT.ETO' WJV, J ?. JEJ. I. REFERENCE—MESSRS. PEAKE BROTHERS & 00. CHARLES FULL Would inform the public that lie keeps constantly on hand a Lakge and Well Selected Stock of BHT @ © O B iB His Motto being—Low Prices and Quick Sales. Please give him a call and you will find it to be to your advantage. REMEMBER THE PLACE¬ TS llircc story Brick Buiittiug on Queen St ., two doors below Mrs. Stamper 's.