36 OUR ISLAND STORY Alberry Plains . But the attempt proved to be fruitless. The man could not be found. Only an effigy was discovered at the gateway to his house. The contest between landlord and tenant, and between the Legislature and Government of this colony and the authorities in , was continued until after the Island entered the Canadian Confederation. But in the meantime it was in¬ termixed and at times overshadowed by the struggles that en¬ sued in respect to the P. E. Island Railway and the question of Union with Canada . Several additional estates were purchased by the Government from those proprietors who were willing to sell them, and resold to the tenants on terms that were equitable and satisfactory to all concerned. The way was also opened towards a final settlement in which the proprietors were, as one result of union with Canada , compelled to sell their lands at prices set by Commissioners arbitrating between them and the Provincial Government.