lottetown Royalty, 702 bushels; James Procter, New Glasgow, , 678 bushels; James Arthur, New Glasgow, 604 bushels. The first grain show in Charlottetown was held in March, 1850, and the winners of the prizes were: Christopher Bullman, Rustico, best wheat, 65%; lbs. per bushel; Jam-es Proctor, NeW'Glasgow, second best wheat, 65 lbs. ; R. C. Woolner, Rustico, best two-rowed barley, 553/4, lbs., William Hodges, Rustico, second best two-rowed barley, 55 lbs. ; Ewen McMillan, West River, best four—rowed barley, 50% lbs. ; B. E. Wright, Charlottetown Royalty, second best four- rowed barley, 50% lbs.;]ohn Bryenton, B. P. Road, best oats, 58%), lbs.; William Morrisey, Lot 48, second best oats, 581/2 lbs.; Iames Finch, Crapaud, best red clover seed, 50 lbs. ; Thos. Abbott, second best red clover seed, 50 lbs.; The judges were Messrs. Isaac Thompson, Alexander Simpsonand George Beer, Jr.
In April of the same year there was an exhibition of fat oXen --the first everlheld in Charlottetown—and the prizes offered by
the Royal Agricultural Society were awarded as follows: First
prize £5, to Geo. Beer—live weight of ox 1587 lbs.; dead weight
of ox 770 lbs.,—-—age of ox, four years; second prize £2, to John Thorne, live weight Of ox, 1600 lbs., dead weight, 890 l.bs—-—age of ox, nineyears. _
A cattle show, the first in Charlottetown, was held on the 25th of September, 1850. The first and second prizes were £5 and £2 each, and the awards were: For best blood colt foaled in 1848, Mr. McKinnon; second best, John Arthur, New Glasgow; best blood filly, William White, Elliot River; second best, Donald McLauchlan; best cart filly, William W. Lund; second best, John McNeil], North River; best Entire horse, any age, (Saladin) Hon Captain Rice; best mare, any age, Mr. McBeth,——judges, William Swabey, Robert Fellows. Best bull, calved in 1848, Charles Hens- ley; second best do, W. Cranston; best heifer calved in 1848, \V. Hyde, West River; second best George Beer In; best bull, any ' age, Hon. Captain Rice; best cow, any age, George Coles. The judges were Edward Haythorne; Henry Longworth, and Robert
' Mutch.
At the same time there was an exhibition of grain, butter, cheese and other articles, afterwards forwarded to the World’s