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and ‘New Brunswick. Subsequently, when Dominion Exhibitions were held in the Maritime Provinces, a grant was obtained from the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, and the Exhibition in Charlottetown was opened to the breeders and other competitors in Ontario and Quebec. The farmers of this Province were thus enabled to see the best breeds and flock-s produced in other parts of Canada, and the spirit of emulation was extended and heighten- ed. Island farmers soon began to compete at the Exhibitions held in St. John, Halifax and other-parts of the Maritime Pro— vinces. In later years they went on to the Exhibitions held in Ottawa, Toronto and elsewhere in the central provinCes. At these Exhibitions their exhibits won the admiration of the sightseers
and many prizes; and so. they were encouraged to continue the
breeding of pure bred stock in cattle, sheep, swine and other pro- duce of their farms. In 1925 a cow bred at Bunbury Farm by Mr. Jones—for which the received the sum of $2,500—brought ' the first prize alike at Ottawa and Toronto, and is now valued at $10,000. This fact has proved to be a distinct advertisement for i “The Million Acre Farm, ” and has caused the attention of the stock fanciers to be directed to Prince EdWard Island as a source of pure bred animals for breeding purposes. The success of Home Bros., Roper Bros., the Messrs. BosWell, Mr. C. Nunn, and others in the competitions on the mainland will, without doubt, inspire other farmers in the Island Province to greater care in breeding and feeding their stock of all kinds; and the fact that the Island Province is to be a restricted disease free area augurs a greater prosperity for its people. A
Prince Edward Island, with each of the other Maritime Pro— vinces, has lately Shared in the grant of the Federal Government in aid of Exhibitions. This grant was divided into two classes, “A” andi“B”. The Charlottetown Association qualified for the ClaSS ‘ “A” grant, and receives it every year. One of the terms is that the Exhibition shall be open to all Canada.
The profits of the Charlottetown Driving Park and Exhibition Association have, for the most part, been expended 1n the erection and repair of buildings, cattle sheds, etc., and the improvement of
the grounds. Though the exhibits of live stock have doubled and