

Margaret—e Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

And dare I humbly ask if, of your grace, You’ll patient hear me. '


Lady, there is no need , For this reiteration. Pray, unveil (Margaret removes her veil.) Margaret— . Uncle! dear uncle, hear 'me, sir-—

Avaunt! Hence, woman! dare you steal upon me thus. In the disguise of modesty? Begone, , Ere my wrath break in rude disCourtesy On your fallacious sex. Begone, I say! Margaret— ' , What have I done,

Roberval— What have you not done,

Discredit to my house, vile, traitress, wanton.

Margaret—— Upon my knees, dear uncle, let me plead. ~—

. Roberval— '

Pleading ls vain, and 1s insult to me.

l"Iargaret—-—~ Still, let me plead, still let me kiss your feet. It 13 not for myself. For me, sweet death— ~Were Welc0me. ’Tis alone for him I plead. I love him, uncle dearer than my life. For you to grant is but a little thing, That you, .as guardian, let me wed my mate. Consent my lo,rd and ease my breaking heart, Another boon there was I fain had sought.

Robervalw Well?