PAGE 5 engineering, teaching, R. C. M. P ——some in their own province, others in various parts of Canada and the Unite States.

During World War II, eleven young men from St. Andrew's served in all branches of the Armed Services—~navy, army, air force. John Riley, Charlottetown, was held prisoner by the Germans for more than two years, after his plane was shot down off the coast of North Africa.

Many beautiful memorial gifts and cash donations have been presented to St. Andrew's in memory of the members of the congregation who have passed away and in 1972, by direction of the

annual meeting, the ”Belle River United Church Memorial Fund” was


In 1983, the building was sold to Baptist Mid Missions, Ohio, U. S. A., an independent Baptist Church and renamed Trinity Baptist. When the minister, Mr. Baker, was recalled to U. S. A. in 1985, the building again became vacant until 1986, when an outreach of a Charlottetown Church was established. It was then named Belle River Christian Church with Mr. Alan Smith as minister. There the church established 60 years ago continues to be a spiritual light in the community.

In 1984—85, the original tower was replaced by the present

spire. In recent years, a full basement, complete with Sunday

School rooms, kitchen, etc. have added much to the ongoing work of

the Church.

Presented by Marion MacKenzie, March 6, 1994