Page 3 Head decided to hold a poll to decide on becoming part of the proposed United Church of Canada. On January 5, 1925, a poll clerk, returning officers and scrutineers were named to conduct the poll. Rev. G. A. Grant was chairman. Sixty ballots were cast— fifty seven for union and three against. Following union, the first project was to add 12 feet to the barn that was used to hold the horses. This was mostly paid for from proceeds from a congregational picnic. In 1934, records indicate that there were 113 members in the congregation. Sunday School, Mission Band and Youth Groups were all active. It is also interesting to note that for some time after union, Holy Communion was celebrated over a long weekend, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Monday morning, with 2 services being held on Sunday. Music was always an important part of worship to this congregation. At the time of union, Mrs. Walter Scott was organist., followed by Mrs. S. A. MacLeod , Mrs. Edward Hackett , Miss Leah MacPherson and Mrs. Ruth MacLeod (Vanlderstine)--who is still an active member of the choir here at St. Andrew's. The only member of the congregation to go into the ministry from Orwell Head Church v/as Rev. John MacLeod , the son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus S. MacLeod . From the time of union in 1925, Orwell Head and Valleyfield were a combined charge. In 1965, due to difficulties in locating a minister, Presbytery realigned the charge and Orwell Head loined