Page 3 the men and women of the Pownal congregation of whom it may truly be said, "They builded better than they knew." United was always an active congregation providing a nurturing spiritual environment for the children and young people as well as the adults in the congregation. Sunday School classes were well attended and in early days, these classes were held in the homes. The Ladies Aid Society worked hard to raise funds to be used in beautifying the sanctuary and making the parsonage more comfortable for the resident minister and family. The Women's Missionary Society was an active group from its formation in 1888, and one of its members, Miss Lavenia Clarke , served as a missionary to the native women of British Columbia . Through the years, choir members were diligent in providing strong leadership for congregational singing and added much to the spirit of reverent worship with their ministry of special music. To the work of the ministry, Pownal has given one minister and four minister's wives. Rooted in the past, members from the Pownal area rejoice in the larger fellowship of St. Andrew's and hope and pray that our influence for good may grow with the years to the glory of God and the extension of Christ's kingdom on earth. Presented by Jeanette Jenkins , February, 1994