PAGE 2 The first interment in the Orwell Churchyard was that of Dr. Archibald MacLeod, son of the ”Old Captain”, in October, 1884. In

1887, St. Andrew's, Orwell, left Belfast and was united with Orwell Head to form a two—point congregation. Donald Ban MacLeod, mentioned in the Orwell Head history, also served as minister at Orwell from 1887 to 1899 and again from 1908 to 1913, after serving at Zion Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown.

In June, 1925, the Orwell section of the Orwell—Orwell Head congregation united with the Methodist Churches at Vernon River and Cherry Valley, and the Orwell Head section united with the Valleyfield congregation, both in the United Church of Canada.

In the 1960's, presbytery began to urge smaller congregations to unite so they would be assured of ministerial supplies and better use might be made of other resources. St. Andrew‘s, Orwell, was always considered to be a friendly Church with a congregation of approximately 55 families at this time.

The whole congregation was concerned with the spiritual and physical needs of people of all ages in this area. Since the Church was built, music was very ;mportant. Some of the faithful organists were Mrs. Levi lngs, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Peter I. MacQueen (for over 35 years), Louis Murray, Mrs. Sam Martin and Mrs. Murdoch MacLeod (Vanlderstine). It is noted that Mrs. Neil H. MacLeod and Milton Furness were choir members at St. Andrew's for over 60 years. Outstanding, dedicated organists and choir members

encouraged all to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Rev. Louis

Murray, son of Gait and Isabell Murray of Vernon was a candidate