Page 2 Bible Christian community and the Vernon River congregation rapidly swelled to a total of 120 persons who ”sought and found the Lord.”
It was now deemed necessary to provide larger accommodation for such a goodly number of worshippers. A frame church, 22 by 30 feet was erected. This building was well finished and served the church community for about 30 years, until the erection of a second building in 1872. This second building was remodelled in 1946, and remained the place of worship for the Vernon River congregation until St. Andrew's, Vernon, was built in 1969.
A plaque commemorating the building of this Bible Christian Church in 1872, has been preserved and is on display downstairs in the Assembly Hall.
In 1886, the Bible Christian Churches united with the Methodist Churches and became known as the Methodist Church of Canada. In 1925, the Vernon River Methodist Church entered the larger Union and became a congregation of the Orwell—Vernon pastoral charge of the United Church of Canada.
During the years between church union in 1925, and the opening of this St. Andrew's Church in 1969, the Vernon River Church was the centre of worship for the families of the area. Dedicated clergy and church members provided strong leadership for the congregation, resulting in a healthy Sunday School, Young People's Group, Women's Missionary Society and Ladies's Aid Group.
When the new Vernon—Pownal pastoral charge came into being on
July 1, 1962, it was decided, on the suggestion of Vernon River