reviewing the ranks of his soldiery,—the smiles of a happy father illuminated his countenance.
The Rifles on garrison duty here were relieved during June by the arrival of a detachment of the 52nd Light Infantry, under the command of Captain Moorsom, who became Commandant of the garrison.
Chief Justice Archibald having arrived from Nova Scotia the Supreme Court was opened on the 24th June, when his Lord- ship complimented the Grand Jury on the absence of a single criminal case, and the peaceful and happy condition of His Majesty’s subjects. This, however, was his last oflicial visit to Charlottetown, as Edward J. Jarvis, Esq.,—an eminent barrister—received the appointment of Chief justice for the Island, arriving here prior to the opening of the next Court term, and from henceforth the Chief Justice became a
permanent resident ofthe colony.
The General Assembly opened on the 5th March, 1829, with the usual ceremony, Captain Moorsom being in command of the guard of honor, while Captain Robinson had charge of the artillery. On the 23rd April was celebrated the King’s birth- day. A troop of cavalry, two companies of artillery, the troops of the garrison, and the 61h battalion of militia were drawn up in review order on Queen Square, all under the immediate command of Captain Moorsom, and as usual after the review a levee was held at Government House.
Early in the summer the brig Pandora arrived from Ireland with a number of settlers, while a party of eighty-six settlers had also arrived from the Isle of Skye.
At the opening of the Trinity Term of the Supreme Court, June 23rd, Chief Justice Jarvis on entering upon the duties of his office congratulated the Grand Jury and the country on the total absence of any criminal case, and dismissed the jury accordingly.
On the 25th July Captain Getin in command of a detach- ment of the 96th Regiment arrived here in order to relieve Captain Moorsom and the detachment in charge of the garrison.
Three hundred passengers from Tobermony reached here on the 7th August, settling in various parts of the colony.
A company of equestrian performers also arrived here during the summer and erected a large marquee on the ground in the