The 24th of May being the young Queen’s birthday, it was celebrated with unusual pomp. At 11 o’clock, Captain Long- worth and Captain Coles with their troops of Cavalry, Major Robinson’s Artillery corps, a detachment of the 37th Regiment under Major Thoreau, and a Company of Volunteers under Captain Loban, were drawn up in review order on Queen Square, presenting a fine military appearance. The salute, feu-a’e—joz'e, and march-past were performed with much precision.
On the 7th July, the Governor-General of the Canadas arrived from Quebec on board the Steamship Unicorn. His Excellency landed under a salute of 19 guns from George’s Battery, and was received by a guard of honor commanded by Captain Longfield. On the next day His Excellency re- embarked and sailed for Halifax. During July, the Steamship Britannica—the first of the Royal Mail Boats of the celebrated Cunard line to cross the Atlantic—arrived at Halifax, just twelve days from Liverpool, this being the fastest time made by any ship across the Atlantic. Later in the year, 281 emigrants arrived from Skye and located in the settlement of Belfast. During the session of the Legislature of this year an Act was passed authorizing the construction of a Lunatic Asylum.
In May I841, the ships Margaret Pol/05k and Thomas, arrived from Belfast, Ireland, the former having 661 passengers and the latter 139, there also arrived about that time 170 passengers from Bideford, England. The anniversary of the Queen’s birthday and that of her coronation passed off with the customary parades, salutes and marches, and on the 7th July, the troops of the garrison were relieved by a detachment of the 64th Regiment, under the command of Captain Draper.
On September 28th, the Commander-in-chief, Sir Charles A. F itzRoy, who had been transferred to the Leeward Islands, sailed for that place with his family, on board H. M. S. Crotoa’z'le. The Honorable George Wright was again sworn in as Administrator, but his administration was of short duration.
On the 13th November, the new Governor, Sir Henry Vere Huntley arrived, but in consequence of the late hour in the day on which he arrived, all military parades were dispensed with, and His Excellency immediately occupied the seat of office. The census taken during this year showed the population to be 47,034.