His Excellency accompanied by Mrs. Dundas, and a num- ber of officers having arrived, the firing for the local prizes then
commenced, continuing throughout the clay, and finished on the following morning.
The Intercolonial competition having been announced, at 2 o’clock the New Brunswickers and Nova Scotians assembled at the right hand target while the Islanders took up their position at the left. As the match proceeded, it was witnessed by a great throng of spectators, and the excitement increased as the match advanced; yet scarce a sound was heard except the commands of the officers, reports of rifles, and sharp tap of the bullet on the target. At the close of the competition, the highest score made by the Island team was 20 points, which was obtained by Noah Harper, of the Thistle Company, while six others scored 19 each, but John Marks, of the New Brunswick team, scored as high as 21 points, and was therefore declared the winner of the prize.
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor——who was indefati- gable in his attentions throughout the contest—highly compli- mented Private Marks upon his achievement when presenting the Cup to him, though His Excellency and citizens generally felt grieved that such a valuable prize was to be taken from the Island. The local Prizes were then distributed to the success- ful competitors as follows :—
Private McGregor, Lot 49 Rifles £16 005. 0d. and Silver Medal
Stewart, New Perth Rifles I4 00 o
“ Bearisto, Queen’s Own Rifles 12 00 o
“ Harper, Thistle Rifles Io 00 0 Major Pollard, 7 Io 0 Private McLaren, New Perth Rifles 6 00 0 “ McKinnon, Prince of Wales Rifles 4 IO 0
“ McLeod, Scotia Rifles 4 00 0 Cum. Dogherty, Artillery 3 00 0 Private Howatt, Tryon Rifles 2 00 o
A third Intercolonial competition, as proposed by the Govern- ment of Nova Scotia, took place near the town of Truro, on
the rzth day of September, when Rifle Teams from the other Provrnces were invited to compete.
Being determined to make good the recent loss at their own shooting match, the Island volunteers, by frequent practice With the rifle, obtained a degree of dexterity and experience, before unknown to them. On the 10th of September, twenty