MILITARY AND CIVIL. 159 Clothing, arms, accoutrements and ofiicers’ commissions, having been received from Ottawa, the various corps were then placed under twelve days’ training at local headquarters. Meanwhile, the superintendence of the Island’s Rifle Asso- ciation was assumed by the Dominion,—a handsome grant of $500 was paid annually towards its funds—-and was now placed under the authority of our Deputy Adjutant General, who arranged to have its next contest take place on the 2nd of October. Accordingly on the morning above named, the various corps of Active Militia were well represented. There being a large number of prizes, from a purse of $60 to $1, the firing under the charge of Lt.-Colonel Rankin, as range officer, com- menced. Ranges were zoo yards, 400 yards, and 600 yards. At the termination of the second day’s shooting, Captain D. McLeod, King’s County, was declared the winner of the first money prize and silver medal. Of the inspection of the rst and and Batteries of Garrison Artillery under Majors Pollard and Morris, the Deputy Adjutant General reported to Ottawa, thus: “ Having finished the annual drill on the ninth instant, I inspected them the follow- ing day. Having had the advantage of preliminary instruction prior to the commencement of the twelve days’ annual drill, their performance on parade shewed a proficiency far in advance of what could have been otherwise looked for, and proves how much may be accomplished by a little extra zeal on the part of officers and men.”—0fia’al report—abstract. The thriving town of Summerside —the capital of Prince County—became incorporated during this year. Its establish- ment comprisoa Chairman, six Members of Council, Town Clerk, Stipendiary Magistrate, and a small body of Policemen. Small Debt Court before the Stipendiary is held on the first Monday of every month—Jurisdiction up to $80.00. On the opening of the Legislature, March the 20th, 1876, a guard of honor—comprised of 2 subaltern officers, 4 sergeants and 100 rank and file—was in attendance, commanded by Major Pollard. As they took post in front of the Colonial Building, preceded by the militia band under Instructor Gal- braith, the citizens who had assembled there in large number seemed pleased in again having the presence of the military on