164 HISTORICAL SKETCH 0F PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Prince County; Austin C. McDonald, Ephraim B. Muttart, King’s County. The result of this election proving adverse to the adminis- tration of Mr. McKenzie, he therefore resigned, and Sir John A. McDonald was then called upon to form a new government. The local Assembly met on the 27th February, Capt. Samuel McRae being in command of the guard of honor, the militia band as usual was in attendance. The salute was fired by the rst Garrison Artillery. Next came Her Majesty’s birthday and Dominion day, when royal salutes were fired, as usual on such occasions, the two batteries firing alternately, The officers in command of a guard of honor are appointed in the order of senority, except when in a state of sickness. The 24th August this year was marked by events of no ordinary interest to the inhabitants of this Island. His Excellency the Governor General and Royal wife, the Princess Louise, being on a tour to the Maritime Provinces, were expected to arrive in Charlottetown on the above named date. Royal Princes,——descendants of Her Majesty the Queen,——to the number of three, had visited our shores during the last two decades, and now we are happy in receiving the gracious smiles of one of her fair daughters. Preparation for the reception now engaged the attention of all parties. Seven arches. as tokens of welcome, had sprung up in various parts. Two large stands with rows of seats, a carpeted dias and a beautiful arch was erected by the local government in front of the Colonial Building. A respectable landing stage and raised carpeted platform, surmounted by an arch gaily decorated, were placed at the head of Pownal Wharf, while a second arch stood at the foot of Pownal Street,-—all at the expense of the city. Next, the city firemen, under Captains Strickland and Large, demand our attention. Their cleverly conceived arch, surmounted by No. I Fire Engine, was erected on Queen Street, opposite the market place; and their steam engines were decorated with many devices. The fine decorations of the merchants in front of their establishments attracted much attention, while prepara- tions for an illumination of the city were cheerfully undertaken. The Caledonia Club proposed holding their annual gathering on the second day after the arrival of the distinguished visitors.