MILITARY AND CIVIL. I77 fights and victories in the past; they are fighting and winning them with strong faith and earnest endeavor and .prophecy the greater achievements under and in the interests of the Fire Flag in days yet to come. Sunday Services at 7 and II a.m., 3 and 7 p. m.” A Dominion election was held for the return of representa- tives to the House of Commons on the 23rd February, 1887, which resulted as follows: Queen’s County—L. H. Davies, Wm. Welsh. Prince County—James Yeo,S. F. Perry. King’s County—P. A. McIntyre, J. E. Robertson, M. I). Senators at this date were : Honorables Donald Montgomery, Robert Poore Haythorne, George William Howlan, and Jedediah Slason Carvell. On June 28th, H. M. S. Canada, (roguns), Capt. Beaumont, arrived from Halifax, with the intention of taking an active part in our celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee, then in preparation, but which had not come off in order of time as at other places. In this wise, however, the fiftieth anniversary of Her Majesty’s ascension was celebrated here on the 30th of the month and Ist July. The weather was delightfully fine throughout, and visitors from the neighboring Provinces and all parts of the Island thronged the city on the day and night previous to the event. June 30th, at 12 o’clock, noon, H. M. S. Canada, which had been dressed with bunting fired the joyous number of fifty guns, with yards manned. Between every ten guns there was a grand [Eu-de-jot'e. At the close of the firing, three cheers for the Queen were given by the officers and men, with a force and heartiness peculiar to British seamen. Simultaneously with the firing on board the Canada, a Royal Salute was heard to boom from Fort Edward, while all the city bells rang, and the steam whistles of the railway, factories, and steamers blew in honor of the occasion. In the afternoon there was a great military and naval review in the Park, attended by some thousands of people. Besides the volunteers, there were present from the Canada two com- panies of sailors and a company of marines. Shortly after the arrival of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor. who rode on horseback, and who was received as usual by the troops, the band playing “ God Save the Queen,” there was a salute of > z;