the Exhibition opened. The Hon. T. H. Haviland, Mayor of the City, and other gentlemen, also addressed the assemblage upon the subject of the Exhibition, each of whom compli- mented the Directors and Association upon their splendid buildings, which doubtless compared favorable with those of the sister Provinces. His Worship remarked he “could remember when the Provincial Exhibition was held in and around the old market house on Queen Square,” but as already stated in these pages, with the opening of that fabric in 1824, originated our present Exhibitions. For the last twenty-two years the Provincial Exhibition was held at the drill shed, but finding the space at their disposal inconveniently small for the comfort of visitors and a proper display of live stock, they, the Commissioners, sought and obtained the present site so advantageous. Thus the change has been a very great success.
This year also witnessed the establishment of a second' electric light station being erected on Upper Great George Street, which, together with the first establishment of the kind founded fifteen years previous, received ample employment in furnishing supplies of their luminous production, which has not only found its way to business marts, but also into many private dwellings as well.
A visit to our shores by the Governor General and his amiable Lady being in contemplation, preparations for the reception of the distinguished party were, as usual on all such occasions, completed in a manner highly creditable,—nor were the town ever gayer or more thronged by visitors from the country. On the morning of the toth of August, 1894, the flagship of the North American fleet, with the Governor General and Countess of Aberdeen on board, accompanied by the warships Tarler and ruagzkrknne, arrived and cast their moorings opposite Pownal Wharf. The landing of their Excel- lencies at half-past ten o’clock was made known by a salute of heavy artillery, and the music of the ship's band. Then on ascending the wharf a guard of honor, under Captain Hooper, presented arms, the band played the National Anthem, while a salute of nineteen guns reverberated over the waters from Fort Edward. His Honor Governor Howlan, and His Worship Mayor Dawson formally received their Excellencies and con-
ducted them to carriages in waiting.