furnishes football grounds, an excellent cricket field, several lawn tennis courts, good picnic places, and for winter amuse- ments, a lofty toboggan slide, arranged to connect with the harbor ice when formed. A new roadway to the Park runs along the shore from Kent Street past Government House and grounds, around Fort Edward, afl‘ording a most enjoyable route for carriages, wheelmen, and foot passengers. A strong break- water has been built where in former years ran the footpath to the Fort. A railing has been erected all the way along the edge of the breastwork with a nicely graded track for carriages, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Overlooking the magnificent harbor is Government House, which has been the official residence for the Lieut.-Governors since 1835. The present incumbent, the Honorable George W. Howlan, was born at Waterford, Ireland; he came to Prince Edward Island in 1839, when but four years of age, and was educated here. For many years he was a successful merchant and a leading politician,—as has already been shown. He received the appointment of Lieutenant Governor on the
24th February, 1894.
Passing northward from Fort Edward, the reader arrives at Victoria Barracks, Brighton. Here the militia assemble each summer for twelve days’ annual training—Victoria Park affording a convenient parade ground. Upon this —for the time being—bodies of militia-men may be seen every day engaged in their various exercises, drilling and learning, or performing their duties. On the Sunday morning the men parade in military dress for church at II o’clock. Having a full band,—this is a pleasing and attractive sight on a fine morning.
Ball practice with small arms take place at Kensington Rifle Range during training term. Annual ball firing with 40 pr. guns take place at Keppoch, under the inspection of an artillery field officer, or district commanding officer, as the case may be_
Besides those duties as above enumerated, a team is annually elected in order to compete at Quebec with similar teams from the various. companies of artillery throughout the Dominion in firing. shifting of ordnance, and in efficiency, all under the auspices of the Canadian Artillery Association.
In the meantime the artillery companies throughout the