way to the mouth of Riviere des Blonds. It is estimated that from ; mouth of one river to that of the other is three (3) leagues. In this dista 1 nothing remarkable was met with. These lands are covered with all kin of mixed timber. (This would be this district.) In 1764-66 the Island was surveyed into 67 lots, and, because of ; active part he played at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham under Ge eral Wolfe, Captain Samuel Holland was given Lot 28, of which Augusti Cove is part. According to Holland's survey of 1765 some clearing Mr taking place in this area, with settlement probably in the 1770's. Ho1 ever, the first settlers of which we have authentic information were this district in the early 1800's, and by 1804 six (6) families were knowri be settled in Augustine Cove , which is in , six (6) miles ea of the ferry terminal of Borden. The is No. 81. MONUMENT Following World War I a monument was erected, on the sclo property, by the people of the district as a memorial to those brave youi men who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. The following accou: is taken from a newspaper clipping in an old scrap book now in possess of a local resident. An event of more than usual note took place Tuesday afternoo September 27, 1920, when a goodly number of the people of Augus'i Cove and surrounding country assembled on the school grounds for tl ceremony of unveiling a monument erected by the people of AugusJ:ii Cove in loving memory of our brave boys who fell in the Great War. The afternoon was all that could be desired. The monument wi banked with flowers, ferns and maple leaves and veiled with the Uni( Jack. The chairman, Mr. Edwin Dawson , opened with a few remarks aft which the following program was carried out: Song, 0 Canada , by tl school children; Prayer, Rev. Mr. Wrixon ; Address, Rev. Mr. Huble ; Address, Rev. Mr. Wrixon ; Chorus, Rule Britannia; Address, Rev. I Fitzpatrick; Unveiling the monument; Quartet, The Vacant Chair; Pray^ Rev. Mr. Fitzpatrick ; Chorus, Onward Christian Soldiers . The flag was lifted from the monument by two returned m«j Frank MacFarlane and Harold Howatt , and the following inscriptions w« read by the chairman: Arthur G. Robinson : 26th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Division. Bd 1897. Killed in action, March 27, 1916. Vincent E. Carr : Sifton Battalion, 1st Canadian Motor Machi] Brigade. Born 1895. Killed in action October 30, 1917. John G. Howatt : 105th Battalion. Born 1897. Died of woirt; September 7, 1918. Henry W. Robinson : 105th Battalion. Born 1881. Died at Vi cartier, June 27, 1916. i This splendid programme was brought to a close by singing fl National Anthem." 18