Europe, the United Kingdom and the Central Mediterranean Area. .1: some year he’s been living in Trenton, Ontario. He has a family of thres‘ Ashley Bartlett 3
Ashley Bartlett was not born in Augustine Cove nor did he go ‘
school here, but he lived in this community for several years, and Wilb .“ living here he enlisted in the Canadian Army and went overseas with tlt 1
North Novas. He lost his life during the siege at Dieppe. 0
Marvin Sherren n01
Marvin Sherren was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Sherri of Augustine Cove. He enlisted in the Canadian Army on January 1941, and subsequently served in Canada, Continental Europe, Unl’cf 1 Kingdom and Central Mediterranean Area. He served in the 23rd Battefi in the 5th Medium Artillery. Following the end of the war, he return to Canada and was discharged on October 24, 1945. A few years aft he returned to civilian life, he was employed by the C.N.R. and has bexma
so employed ever since.
Cathy Dobson
10 i .. . . o 1 Cathy Dobson is the daughter of Isabelle MacFadyen and Da‘)ro Dobson. Although born in the U.S.A., the greater part of her youth Wile? spent in Augustine Cove, where she completed her primary educa'£10