AUGUSTINE COVE SENIOR DEPT. 1969 lillk illltlSl wBm '«. yitisi P%L If jp tlj ; itfe iSsi. lilt Jk-l i :1Ill:|iiir=' illBIiill! f ::: I|; .■ Ill : ' III; '■ ,; ill 1111 ; ||i utlfc ^ JllO mill ack Row L to R: Terri Murphy, Dexter Thompson, Morley MacNeill , Jamie Foy , Uianne Foy, Eric Cutcliffe . second Row: Blair Newsome , Maureen Murray , Neil MacFadyen , Wayne Cameron, -^aroiyn Duncan. MandpR°W: Barbara Duncan , Hug-hie Murphy, David MacFadyen , Shawn Murphy, ^ . *n 1858, the following report was given by R. B. Irving , Acting gnool Visitor: Teacher, H. B. Wadman , first or lowest class. On register ' Present today 20. School highly popular, reading with just emphasis, [W attention Paid to analysis. Books clean. Scripture lesson (New 8|^anlent) every day, but no prayers. Remarks Tuesday, December 14, 'ula •+ Pected sch°o1 tnis day. -Strong evidence of order, method, re- nitf u vnd success&l1 'teaching. The school house is old and too small, t well-hned and comfortable. A new one has been contracted for, 26 ft. >rese t 1 be finished hY Nov. 1st, 1859. nThe desks and benches of the ised f s^r0^ nouse m&y answer for thectime during which it is to be he ne purP°se of a school, but I hope due care will be taken to have w one fully and conveniently furnished in every respect. ;chool j ??rding to information received, it is believed that the first &". H v n district was located very near to the residence now owned by ire'spnV •,"-0Watt. A few years later the site was changed to where the resent school building now stands. 29