_ ‘6 His wife, Harriet, born April 26, 1781, in England, was the young- 1 Benjamin Grosvenor’s three children. William, Elizabeth, Harriet. J ne 3, 1788 Benjamin Grovenor was licensed as a school teacher, the ' t 'eacher’s licence recorded in Prince Edward Island. In 1804 he was in :d two Charlottetown lots plus wilderness land; his vocation was ._ i given as schoolmaster.

William and Harriet (Grosvenor) Wadman had eleven children: 012 William, Benjamin, James, Sarah, Jane, George, Charles, Henry

( in infancy) Henry and Edward. Four of the above resided in Aug— Sfil Cove, at least for a time: James, Jane, Henry and Edward.

James (1808 or 9 - 1891), an early farmer in Lot 28, was called the _ '. He married Margaret Howatt, widow of Oliver Webster. Jane, 1 1882) married John S. Cameron, whose father had leased 200 acres

married Catherine Maria Webster, daughter of Oliver Webster of 1 stine Cove. They had a family of eight children. Edward (1825— I married Jane Howatt, daughter of Adam Howatt of Augustine Cove. :ir four children, two lived.

1 After Harriet (Grovenor) Wadman was widowed, she married Pet- » watt of Augustine Cove. In 1851 she deeded the farm to her son, {1 ‘d, on the condition that he bind himself to provide for his beloved l0} r in the following manner that is to say: She is to have for herself _11 om in the southwest corner of the dwelling house . . . to be fur- with a stove or a fireplace and sufficient fuel carried into the 10m at all times sufficient wearing apparel necessary for a wom- 1 her age and circumstances . . . food and substance to support her 7-1 decline of life. She is to have the milk of one cow. And if she .ot think it proper to eat with the family, she is to be furnished 1 * :ifficient necessaries, and have the privilege of cooking in her own , She is to be provided with a horse and carriage every alternate . .;h during the summer season and likewise a horse and sleigh in the

. Her granddaughter, Mary, married James Clark of Augustine Cove, , 1183’ had a son, Selwyn, and a daughter, Edith. Selwyn married Ina ‘v Sume, daughter of Thomas Newsome and they had three sons: Spur— " , Brenton Grosvenor and Earl. (See. Clark history). Edith Lyona k married Rev. Harry K. Killam of California. The Killam’s had five g'lgnsztSelwyn, David, Cyril, Ruth and Lois, all of whom live in the“ ,9 ates.


: , Another granddaughter, Anne, had "twosons: George, who never? 1 19d and Joseph. Joseph (1865-1961) married Maud Thomas, daughf- .2: ‘f Samuel and Elizabeth (Lefurgey) Thomas. Their children were: 5 d( Who died in infancy), Willard, Mabel, Ida, Edward and Myrtle.

bol‘n six children: Everett, Earl, Phyllis, Velma, Raymond and Ivan. Wadman’s lived in the, Cove until 1969 when they moved to Ken:

ensington. Everett, the eldest son is employed in Toronto. He is


Willard, born September 29, 1895, married Mabel Best and to the‘n‘r-

on Where Willard passed away in 1972. Mabel is presently residing“